Monday, 6 August 2007

Reading Explanations at Assembly

Today some people in Room 9 got to read their explanations out at assembly. I got to take photos of them to put on the blog. Their explanations were really good.

By Kerry

Here are two of the fantastic explanations:

The Dental Nurse
The Dental Nurse is someone that cleans your teeth and checks up on them and makes fillings. Most of the time you have to wear sunglasses. They put a big yellow light in front of you and at the end they give you a sticker. It is at Nelson Central School by the office. All the time that you are there you can look at soft teddy bears. If you are going to go you have a book that someone gives you. You go every 2 or 3 months.
By Josh

The Dental Nurse
The Dental nurse is someone who helps look after your teeth. What happens is you get to lie on a bench and keep your mouth open. The interesting part is at the start you get to wait but when you wait you get some toys to play with. At the end you get a sticker, a picture or a toothbrush.
By Brianna


Marnie said...

Wow, you are such good writers Room 9 and you learn how to write lots of different ways. Keep up the hard work.
Miss Thomas
Room 18
Meadowbank School

Anonymous said...

wow it takes guts to get up in front of people and talk about what you have wrote

-lewis-student-korokoro school

go to my blog copy the URL