Saturday, 17 February 2007

Blend Activity - bl

Today we celebrated the learning we have been doing about the blend "bl" this week by doing a blend activity. We will be doing a great, fun making activity related to our blend of the week each Friday.

We revised the sounds that "b" and "l" make and how they sound when they are all run in together to make "bl". We also started a special book called "Our Blends Book" where we will record all of our learning each week.

These were the "bl" words that we thought of...
  • block
  • blowfly
  • Blenheim
  • blossom
  • blanket
  • blunt
  • blackberry
  • blow
  • blue
  • black
  • blood
  • blob
  • blank
  • and the list goes on....
Today we made a "BLOCK", we had to follow some directions, colour, carefully cut, glue tabs and assemble our blocks. Here are some photos!


Paul Wilkinson said...

Great stuff Room 9. You look like you were having fun with making the blocks. We've been talking about faces, edges and vertices in our class. Do you know how many edges a cube has? Lots?

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see what wonderful things you and your teacher accomplish this year. My class started blogging this year and enjoy sharing our classroom with others.